Monday, July 8, 2019

Behind in Blogging

I'm behind in my blog, not surprisingly...I'm going to give a shortened bullet point condensed version at the moment and then I'll write more on the train to Chengdu.

*On the 5th we went to visit Shigu academy, one of the 4 ancient schools of china.

*On the 6th we left Hengyang and traveled by train to ZhaoXing City. We saw a Dong Minority musical performance.

*On the 7th we hiked out to another village called "Tong An". We took a shuttle bus home and saw a small musical performance waiting for the shuttle.

*On the 8th (today, is the 8th as I write this) we are traveling to the Jiabang rice terraces. We will stay there one night and then come back to Zhao Xing.

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